Sport Volunteer

Whether you are interested in coaching, playing, or helping us run quality sport experiences, there’s a place for you as a sport volunteer.
Become an Official or Competition Director
Are you a certified sports official, or do you have an interest in sports and the management of competitions? Competition official or management team member might be the right volunteer role for you. Click here for more information and to get involved.
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Become a Coach
Coaches have a huge impact on the lives and success of their athletes. Coaches teach athletes new sports skills, exemplify good sportsmanship, and model character traits to enhance the sport experience for all athletes. Coach training for a variety of sports and experience levels is provided.
Become a Class A Volunteer
A Class A background clearance is required for any volunteer in close contact with athletes – including coaches, Unified partners age 18+, chaperones, etc. Click here to get your Class A clearance or renewal started
Please email your completed form to Joanne Drumright at
Please email your completed form to Joanne Drumright at
Become a Unified Partner
Unified partners play alongside athletes as equal teammates, and in the process build friendships and create communities of respect and inclusion for all.