Resource Library
Our resource library provides applications, forms, brochures, trainings, policies and procedures, and updates for athletes, coaches, volunteers, schools and Area leadership.
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Special Olympics Tennessee is committed to providing resources and support to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and promote the health and safety of the Special Olympics community. These resources can be shared with athletes, coaches, volunteers and families.
Athlete Resources
Welcome to the team! Here you'll find information on how to get started as well as criteria for advancement.
Unified Sports Resources
Each of our Area programs provide sports training and competition throughout the year for the athletes in their community. Leadership volunteers are needed to serve on Area councils and make Special Olympics happen from behind the scenes.
Coaches Corner
Special Olympics coaches have access to a variety of information, training plans, and guidance to help the athletes on their team reach their full potential.
Whole School Engagement
Together, we can create more inclusive attitudes, develop physical fitness, promote community service, and build character in all young people.